A nice pair on UIDAI from the Economist: href="http://www.economist.com/node/21542763?fsrc=nlw%7Chig%7C1-12-2012%7Ceditors_highlights">The
magic number and href="http://www.economist.com/node/21542814">Reform by numbers.
Trampling on the individual in India: href="http://www.firstpost.com/india/now-raw-to-snoop-on-you-its-an-orwellian-story-with-indian-twist-159002.html">Akshaya
Mishra on Firstpost.
Datta in the Business Standard.
Patnaik, in the Indian Express looks at Italy and
worries about India.
Datta in the Business Standard on the Bombay Club.
Authoritarian India at its worst.
Patnaik in the Indian Express worries about the economic
consequences of NREGA.
Patnaik in the Indian Express on RBI's thinking about new
entry by private banks.
A great article on India's energy-fiscal mess
by Urjit
Patel, a rare person who understands both.
Bandyopadhyay in Mint, and href="http://www.indianexpress.com/news/stop-controlling/889331/0">Ila
Patnaik in the Indian Express, on RBI's use of href="http://ajayshahblog.blogspot.com/2011/12/rbi-reaches-for-capital-controls.html">capital
controls to combat rupee depreciation.
In the Indian
Express, Ila
Patnaik reminds us to avoid adventurism in the use of reserves
for buying natural resources.
Mufti has a great article in Business Week on the
supply chain problems that the US faces in Afghanistan.
I have often worried
that we
are not as bright as we used to
be. Mark
Pagel has an argument about why that might be.
progress on payments by Russ Jones. I'm not a lawyer, but it's a
fair guess that Square will be banned in India.
I just
re-read James
Buchanan's 1986 Nobel prize speech.
Once the public goods
of a
strong statistical system are in place, the real challenge
becomes the brainpower that is deployed into thinking about the
data. In India, we don't
have half
decent maps data in the public domain. But once high quality
maps data becomes freely available, things
change. Seth
Stevenson on Slate tells a story of a beautiful design
for a humble problem: a map.
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