In recent years, many economists have been attracted by the
possibility of obtaining better knowledge using randomised
experiments, which are termed the `gold standard' for empirical
analysis. I have long been skeptical about this approach, for three
- Reality is a complicated
nonlinear relationship in many dimensions. Each randomised
experiment illuminates the gradient vector in one small region. It's
hard to generalise the results (i.e. low external validity). - I am quite worried about the bang for the buck
obtained through this strategy. A lot of money is spent, which could
have other uses in funding dataset creation or research. - Economics is a bad field in having low standards of
replication. The journals don't publish replication, which is the
foundation of science. Randomised experiments, too often, generate
proprietary datasets which are controlled by the original
authors. The scientific progress which comes about from multiple
scholars working on common datasets does not come about easily.
Jim Manzi
has a
great article on the difficulties of obtaining knowledge about
social science questions. He tells the story of a field --
Criminology -- which experienced the Randomised Experiment
Revolution in the 1980s:
In 1981 and 1982, Lawrence Sherman, a respected criminology professor
at the University of Cambridge, randomly assigned one of three
responses to Minneapolis cops responding to misdemeanor
domestic-violence incidents: they were required to arrest the
assailant, to provide advice to both parties, or to send the assailant
away for eight hours. The experiment showed a statistically
significant lower rate of repeat calls for domestic violence for the
mandatory-arrest group. The media and many politicians seized upon
what seemed like a triumph for scientific knowledge, and mandatory
arrest for domestic violence rapidly became a widespread practice in
many large jurisdictions in the United States.But sophisticated experimentalists understood that because of the
issue's high causal density, there would be hidden conditionals to the
simple rule that `mandatory-arrest policies will reduce domestic
violence.' The only way to unearth these conditionals was to conduct
replications of the original experiment under a variety of
conditions. Indeed, Sherman's own analysis of the Minnesota study
called for such replications. So researchers replicated the RFT six
times in cities across the country. In three of those studies, the
test groups exposed to the mandatory-arrest policy again experienced a
lower rate of rearrest than the control groups did. But in the other
three, the test groups had a higher rearrest rate....
Criminologists at the University of Cambridge have done the yeoman
work of cataloging all 122 known criminology RFTs with at least 100
test subjects executed between 1957 and 2004. By my count, about 20
percent of these demonstrated positive results: that is, a
statistically significant reduction in crime for the test group versus
the control group. That may sound reasonably encouraging at first. But
only four of the programs that showed encouraging results in the
initial RFT were then formally replicated by independent research
groups. All failed to show consistent positive results.
I am all for
more quasi-experimental
econometrics applied to large datasets, to tease out better
knowledge by exploiting natural experiments. By using large panel
datasets, with treatments spread across space and time, I feel we
gain greater external validity. And, there is very high bang for the
buck in putting resources into creating large datasets which are
used by the entire research community, with a framework of
replication and competition between multiple researchers working on
the same dataset.
You might like to see a column in the Financial Express
which I wrote a few months ago, with the story
of an
interesting randomised experiment. In this case, there were two
difficulties which made me concerned. First, this was not randomised
allocation to treatment/control: there was selectivity. Second, it
struck me as very poor bang for the buck. Very large sums of money
were spent, and I can think of myriad ways to spend that money on
datasets or research in Indian economics which would yield more
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